
  Mathew Diaz IHP2M, Certified Health Coach, Life Coach & Founder of

Root Level Wellness LLC

Integrative Health Practitioner 2 Mastery, Certified Life Coach, Former CPT

Hello, my name is

Mathew Diaz

I'm a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner 2M

I first experienced arthritis in elementary school. My doctors told me this was just something I had to live with, that at best, all I could do was manage the symptoms with medications that had a side-effects list longer than the children's books I was reading at the time... 

I've spent 19+ years believing there were no answers to my health challenges but when I hit rock bottom I found my mentor, Dr. Stephen Cabral (ND). I studied and applied what I learned on myself and in months I'd been healthier and felt more alive than I ever did before.

I realized that I'd unintentionally found my calling in life, to short-cut the path to success for others like Dr. Cabral did for me.

Where ever you are right now let me help you take your next step forward.

Click that "contact me" button below to start the conversation.

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I would say, like a lot of us, that we have grown up thinking certain health things are "normal". It's "normal" to break out with cystic acne, experience serious mood swings, and get crying-on-the-bathroom-floor painful cramps before your period. It's "normal" to think eating beans will give you bad gas and that when you sweat your body odor will clear the area of anything that can smell. What I have actually grown to learn from Mathew is that those things that we experience growing up are not normal. Those types of things are common, and they show that your body is out of balance. However, you don't have to experience those things for the rest of your life. I have done many protocols with Mathew to help get my health on a better track and can honestly say that he has changed my life. I was able to check my food sensitivities, heavy metals, hormones, and stress levels using at-home testing. The protocols to help remedy my ailments were also very easy to incorporate in my daily life. They had all-natural ingredients which put my mind at ease knowing I didn't have to worry about some ingredient being made in a shady lab somewhere. I'm not embarrassed to say that I can eat beans just fine now without having to worry about their after-effects. We all need a coach/mentor in our life to help guide us when we are lost or confused. We only have one life and I want to live mine as naturally as I can for as long as I can and I'm glad I have Mathew there to help me. 🙂

Maxine Lopez

Transaction Coordinator at CRS Real Estate Solutions

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